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Because our pricing policy supports multiple currency, you can buy "Mudfish Credit" with convenient payment method. Supported currencies are as follows:

  • Australian Dollar (AUD)
  • Chinese Yuan (CNY)
  • Japan Yen (JPY)
  • South Korea Won (KRW)
  • US Dollar (USD)

Pricing Table

AUD$4.99$9.99$29.99$49.99$99.99Apple AppStore InApp Payment, Bitcoin, Google Play InApp Payment, Paymentwall, Paypal
CNY¥ 29¥ 49¥ 99¥ 299$499Paymentwall
JPY490 円990 円2,990 円4,990 円9,990 円Apple AppStore InApp Payment, Google Play InApp Payment, Paymentwall, Paypal
KRW4,990 ₩9,990 ₩29,990 ₩49,990 ₩99,990 ₩Apple AppStore InApp Payment, Phone, Realtime Bank Transfer, Bank Transfer, Google Play InApp Payment, Toss, Paymentwall
USD$4.99$9.99$29.99$49.99$99.99Apple AppStore InApp Payment, Bitcoin, Google Play InApp Payment, Paypal, Alipay, Apply InApp Payment, Paymentwall

If you want to buy mudfish credits, please visit the following instructions:

  • Apple AppStore InApp Payment

  • Google Play InApp Payment

  • Bitcoin, Paymentwall, Paypal, Phone, Realtime Bank Transfer, Bank Transfer, Toss, Kakao-pay

Traffic Table


This traffic balance is changable depending on currency rate because it's calculated based on KRW (South Korea Won).

If your data plan is PPT (Pay Per Traffic), your traffic balance is calculated based on how much mudfish credits you have. Please note that below table points approximate values if you have each mudfish credits.

AUD$ 4.9930.9 GB
$ 9.9961.9 GB
CNY¥ 2935.4 GB
¥ 4959.8 GB
JPY¥ 49034.4 GB
¥ 99069.6 GB
KRW4,990 ₩36.9 GB
9,990 ₩74.0 GB
USD$ 4.9940.1 GB
$ 9.9980.3 GB

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Please check FAQ - Credits section to see various question and answers.