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At link, you can find the link of Chrome Web Store. After clicking the link, please follow the instruction of Chrome Browser.

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Please note that saving the configuration will be automatically triggered.

By clicking Mudfish icon at the browser toolbar, you can see the following

  • Mudfish Servers

    It lists all available mudfish nodes. By selecting one you can access the mudfish node. When you try to access the node, it could ask your mudfish ID and password.

  • (Recently Used) icon

    It lists mudfish nodes you recently used.

  • (Refresh) icon

    This icon could be used to refresh the list of mudfish nodes.

  • (Bar chart) icon

    When this icon is clicked, it moves to the traffic page of mudfish website.

  • (Setup) icon

    When this icon is clicked, it opens the configuration page for Mudfish webextension.

    • General

      • Auto Login

        • Remember me

          To avoid putting the mudfish username / password whenever you change the mudfish node, you can use this option.

      • Functionality

        • Check public IP whenever the mudfish node is changed.

          If this option is enabled, it opens the new tab accessing to whenever you change the mudfish node. It shows current your public IP.

        • Refresh the active tab when Mudfish turns on / off.

          If this option is enabled, the active tab will be refreshed whenever mudfish webextension turns on or off.

      • Connection

        • Use the secure connection

          Uses HTTPS (encrypted) protocol to communicate to mudfish nodes instead of using HTTP (insecure) protocol. This option could be useful if you're under DPI (Deep Packet Inspection) appliance or network firewall.

        • Use the mudfish root CA certificate for HTTPS connection.

          HTTPS connection is intercepted and decrypted by mudfish node first, then re-encrypted using the mudfish root CA certficate.


          To work this option properly, you MUST install the mudfish root CA certificate on your browser and it's found at the following URL.

      • Mudfish Nodes

        Determines whether the list of mudfish nodes is specified as a Whitelist policy or a Blacklist policy. The default is the Whitelist policy.

    • Advanced

      • PAC

        A proxy auto-config (PAC) syntax defines how web browser can choose the Mudfish proxy server for fetching a given URL.

      • Domain Dump

        This option is to enable the domain dump feature which could be used to collect the domain names while browsing the sites.

    • Help

      It opens the documentation page for Mudfish webextensioin.

Release Notes

4.5.0 (10/07/2022)

  • Enhanced the option menu to support the following new features:

    • PAC syntax is now configurable via the option menu.

    • Added the domain dump feature to collect the domain names

  • Handled some i18n strings missed in the previous version.