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This document explains about how to use mudfish app for iOS. Mudfish app could be found and installed at the appstore by searching "Mudfish".

Differences from mudfish for desktop.

Here's summary what's differences between mudfish app for iOS and mudfish vpn for desktop.

  1. For mudfish app, it works always as Full VPN mode. And it doesn't support the per-app VPN feature. So it means all traffics from iOS will go to mudfish nodes you'd picked.

  2. At mudfish app, it doesn't apply "item configuration / program settings" which set from Mudfish Cloud VPN for desktop. The configuration of mudfish app is completely separated.

  3. Your data plan is shared. If your data plan is PPT (Pay Per Traffic), your credit usage will be charged how much you used.

    However if your data plan is Subscription, no extra credit charges but the speed cap.

  4. Mudfish credits are shared cross mudfish services. So you can use it at both mudfish apps and mudfish other services.