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UI (User Interface)

Sign In

Front screen is the sign-in screen.

  • By clicking (Plus) icon, you can sign up.

  • By clicking (Plus) icon, you can enable the bypass feature of network firewall.

If you want to keep the sign-in alive, you can toggle "Remember Me" checkbox.


Very simple screen with the following options:

  • Welcome!

  • Credits

    Show the current mudfish credit balance. If you click it, it moves to the screen for InApp payments.

  • Mudfish Node

    Show current mudfish node you picked. If you want to change, you can touch.

  • Node Mode

    This menu selects how you want to connect to the mudfish node. The following modes are currently supported:

    • Basic Mode

      This is the default mode selected and will use one mudfish node to reach the destination.

    • SimpleFEC mode

      This mode is used to overcome packet loss between the user's cell phone and the mudfish node. It sends multiple duplicate packets to prevent packet loss in the middle.

      However, the credit usage can be at least 2-3 times higher.

    • Advanced Mode

      This mode can be used when you want to chain two mudfish nodes to reach a destination. You can choose which mudfish nodes you want to use, and you can see the recommended route through the menu in the top right corner.

      This can be used when you want to avoid certain areas due to routing issues.

  • Configuration

    You can change Connection Protocol and MTU.

    • Connection Protocol

      Currently only UDP protocol is supported. As default, it's UDP (Port 10008)

    • MTU

      You can specify MTU size. As default, it's 1400 bytes.

    • RTT check speed

      This specifies the speed of RTT checking between user and mudfish nodes. If this value is larger than 1, it'll show the latency (ping) information at "Mudfish Node" menu. The each value means:

      • 0

        This means "turn off the RTT checking". This is the default value.

      • 1

        This is slowest speed of RTT checking. Under some environment, the aggressive RTT checking makes your home router got a hang. For that case you can use this value.

      • 5

        This is highest speed of RTT checking. 5 threads will check RTT information at the same time.

  • Connect

    Points current connection status. If you click, you can do "Connect" or "Disconnect".