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Installation (for Steam Deck)

Mudfish is an application which could be used to avoid the network congestion by changing the physical routing path through Mudfish nodes.


If you're first to install Mudfish into Steam Deck (aka SteamOS), first you need to enable sudo command because Mudfish needs root privileges to change the routing table information on SteamOS. To enable sudo command, you need set your user password first. Please follow the steps to set it:

  1. Switch to Desktop Mode.

  2. When it's completed to boot, click Start button (left bottom) and run System -> Konsole. Now you're accessed to the shell.

  3. Set your password. You can use whatever you'd like to use.

        $ passwd
    Changing password for deck.
    New password:

Okay. It's ready to download and install mudfish. At this point we assume that you already installed the intenet browser such as Firefox or Chrome on Steam Deck.


The latest package for Steam Deck found at the download section of link.

If you're looking for old mudfish versions, please visit the following URL:

In this document, We assume that you're trying to install the following package:


Download the latest mudfish version and install it. It's quite simple on Steam Deck. You can run the following commands via Konsole:

   $ wget
$ sudo sh
[sudo] password for deck:
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing Mudfish v5.11.0......
Installation is done under /opt/mudfish/5.11.0
$ ls -l /opt/mudfish/5.11.0/bin/

At SteamOS package, the installation path would be always /opt/mudfish/$(VERSION)/bin/. Please note that $(VERSION) is vary depending on what version you're installed.


Okay. It's time to run. You can follow the steps below:

  1. Run mudrun-headless from Konsole:

        $ sudo /opt/mudfish/5.11.0/bin/mudrun-headless

    Please be aware that you should keep mudrun-headless running while you're using Mudfish.


    If you change the mode from Desktop mode to Gaming mode, it'll terminate Mudfish.

  2. Open the firefox or the chromium browser. Then visit the following URL:

    If you can see the login screen of Mudfish, it points everything worked well.
