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Mudfish Node Mode - Advanced Mode

The network traffics generated by your computer is transmitted through two mudfish nodes, not through one.

How to activate the feature

  1. If Full VPN Mode is on, you need to turn it off. It cannot be mixed with the Full VPN function.

  2. Click on the item you are using and you can select a mudfish node in 'Item Settings' menu. If you select Advanced mode among these, you can select 2 mudfish nodes. Click the 'magnifier icon to see which route path is optimal.

  3. After setting, restart the program.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

When should I use advanced mode?

Normal advanced mode could be used when a detour through one mudfish node cannot achieve optimal RTT results.

In other words, if you can get the optimal RTT with using one mudfish node, there is no need to consider using the advanced mode at all.

What are the advantages of this mode?

  1. If the RTT that can be obtained using one mudfish node is not optimal, this can be helpful.

  2. It is advantageous for professional user because users can choose 2 bypass mudfish nodes themselves.

What are the downsides of this mode?

  1. Since two mudfish nodes are used, the probability of a ping spike may be relatively higher than when one mudfish node is used.

  2. This mode cannot be used while Full VPN is on.