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Mudfish Node Mode - Multi Path Mode

The network traffics generated by your computer is not transmitted through one mudfish node, but through two or more mudfish nodes.

However, unlike "advanced mode", mudfish nodes automatically optimized depending on the result of RTT (ping).

Up to 4 multi path connections can be made to reach the destination (game server).

How to activate the feature

  1. If Full VPN Mode is on, you need to turn it off. It cannot be mixed with the Full VPN function.

  2. Click on the item you are using and you can select a mudfish node in the 'Item Settings' menu. Among them, you can select a mudfish server to use Multi Path mode. Click the 'magnifier' icon to see which path is optimal.

    • If the user specifies the first mudfish node instead of "auto-select", the path is always fixed to be used. If you have a favorite route or a mudfish node and you want to use it always, you can set that part.

    • If the last server to be routed is set to "Auto Select" and the 'maginifier' icon is clicked, the optimal route is displayed for all relay servers.

    • If you specified the last server rather than 'Auto Select' and click the 'maginifier' icon, the optimal route result will be displayed based on the last mudfish node.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Does it cost more than Basic or Advanced node mode?

If your data plan is PPT, my answer is 'yes'. It costs more depending on no. of mudfish nodes you're using for Multi-Path node mode.

At this point, mudfish uses 3 mudfish nodes for the multi pathes. It means it costs 3 ~ 4 times more than other node modes.