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Exception Rule


The exception rule applies to all traffic passing through the Mudfish. Please note that it applies to all item settings and modes.

Exclude web traffic

When this option is enabled, even if web traffic is forwarded to the Mudfish program due to the effects of items or Full VPN mode, it will not use the Mudfish node. It will connect directly from your computer.

Exclude custom traffic

You can use this option to configure your computer to connect directly instead of forwarding a specific IP or Port to the Mudfish node. Enter one rule per line. For example, you can enter it in the following format:

  • *;T80,T443,U443

    Exclude all web traffic for all IPv4.


    Excludes TCP/UDP ports 8080 to 8090 for IPv4 CIDR block.


    Exclude all traffic in the IPv4 CIDR block.