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Mudfish Master Server

This section describes about if you're encountering issues for Mudfish Master Server to connect.

Using -O option

Since Mudfish Cloud VPN v5.7.1 or above, -O option is deprecated and removed.

If you're using this option and the latest client version, you need to remove it to launch properly.

  • After clicking "Start" button of Windows, moves to or find "Mudfish Cloud VPN" menu.

  • Opens the property window of “Mudfish Launcher” icon by clicking the right mouse button on it.

  • Modify the command which found at “Target(T)” box that as default, the following value is set::

    "C:\Program Files\Mudfish Cloud VPN\mudrun.exe"

  • Changes the command with -O option. For example, looks like below::

    "C:\Program Files\Mudfish Cloud VPN\mudrun.exe" -O

  • As result, "Target(T)" would be like below:

    Mudfish Launcher Properties

  • -O option turns on a feature using IP and port of old master server.

Using -t option

If you're using Mudfish Cloud VPN v5.7.1 or above, you cam simply enable -t option by clicking 'Fire Icon' at the sign in menu.

Fire Icon

  • At the property window of "Mudfish Launcher" icon, modify the command as follows:

    "C:\Program Files\Mudfish Cloud VPN\mudrun.exe" -t

  • -t option turns on a feature sending a fake HTTP request.

Using HTTP-Proxy option

Since mudfish v5.2.0 or later, it provides HTTP-proxy feature to communicate with mudfish master server.

If you tried both -O and -t options but doesn't work, you can try to test with this option.

For details, please check Connecting Mudfish in China link.