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Self-Diagnosis Codes

This page is to describe self-diagnosis codes which could be helpful when the auto configuration of mudfish is stuck at 10%.


Core Process is ready.

This test means that Mudfish core process is ready to accept the routing information. If this is marked as X, normally it means Mudfish is booting up yet.

For more details about the status of mudfish core process, you can check "DashboardStatus → Process" menu.

Sometimes it takes long if your default connection protocol is set as TCP instead of UDP.


Items whose node is picked automatically.

This informs about what item is configured to pick the mudfish node automatically because it takes some times to calculate a best node from yours desktop.

If you're like to reduce this calculation time, you can explicitly pick a node for each items.


Items whose mudfish node is dead.

This shows item list which is configured to pick a dead mudfish node. Because sometimes mudfish node could be up or down, it could make a problem for auto configuration.

To address this problem, visit each item configuration menu then pick another alive node.


Master Server test: Homepage

Checks the connection status to Master Server test: Homepage


Master Server test: Homepage

Checks the connection status to Master Server test: Authentication daemon


Master Server test: RTT daemon

Checks the connection status to Master Server test: RTT daemon.


Firewall Test: KR Asia (S. Korea - KT1 IDC) TCP Port

Performs the firewall test against KR Asia (S. Korea - KT1 IDC) TCP Port. If this test fails, it means there are any kind of network firewall on your network or middle of routing paths.

Please check Firewall Issues and Connection Protocols sections and try to use different ports.


Firewall Test: JP Asia (Tokyo - SoftBank) TCP Port

Performs the firewall test against JP Asia (Tokyo - SoftBank) TCP Port. If this test fails, it means there are any kind of network firewall on your network or middle of routing paths.

Please check Firewall Issues and Connection Protocols sections and try to use different ports.


Firewall Test: KR Asia (S. Korea - KT1 IDC) UDP Port

Performs the firewall test against KR Asia (S. Korea - KT1 IDC) UDP Port. If this test fails, it means there are any kind of network firewall on your network or middle of routing paths.

Please check Firewall Issues and Connection Protocols sections and try to use different ports.


Firewall Test: JP Asia (Tokyo - SoftBank) UDP Port

Performs the firewall test against JP Asia (Tokyo - SoftBank) UDP Port. If this test fails, it means there are any kind of network firewall on your network or middle of routing paths.

Please check Firewall Issues and Connection Protocols sections and try to use different ports.


Private Network test: KR Asia (S. Korea - KT1 IDC)

Performs the private network test against KR Asia (S. Korea - KT1 IDC). If you encounter this issue, please see below t401 section for solutions.


Private Network test: JP Asia (Tokyo - SoftBank)

Performas the private network test against JP Asia (Tokyo - SoftBank).

If this marked as X, please check the following items:

  • Sometimes MUDEC_00044 and MUDEC_00045 error codes causes this issue too. It means that your operating system isn't ready to pass packets to mudfish though mudfish is already ready to receive.

  • Make sure that JP Asia (Tokyo - SoftBank) node is alive. VPN Server status link is for you.

  • Make sure that above t100 (Core proces is ready) is marked as OK. If it's not marked as OK, these tests could also be failed.